Neighbours of Sengkang General Hospital nurse charged with harassing front-liner and his family
SINGAPORE - A couple appeared in the district court on Friday (May 21) after allegedly harassing their front-liner neighbours amid the Covid-19 outbreak.
A male nurse, who works at Sengkang General Hospital (SKH), and his family are said to be the victims. The Straits Times understands that his wife is also an essential service worker.
One of the alleged offenders, Lim Sok Lay, 48, was charged with five counts of harassment and one count of being a public nuisance.
Her husband, Cheang Eng Hock, 56, was handed two harassment charges.
The two Singaporeans are accused of harassing their neighbours at an Edgefield Plains block of flats in Punggol.
Between May 13 and 15 last year, they are said to have shouted phrases such as "Covid spreader" and "virus family" at their alleged victims.
Cheang and Lim are also accused of spraying disinfection solution in their direction.
On Oct 21 last year, Lim allegedly sprayed a similar liquid at her neighbours' flat.
She is said to have targeted another flat on the same floor the following month by abusing its occupants with vulgar language.
Lim is also accused of spraying disinfection liquid in the direction of this second flat on Dec 10 last year.
The court heard that she went to SKH with her husband on Jan 8 this year and they allegedly harassed a man identified as Mr Muhammad Najib Ngasewan.
The couple are accused of uttering "this nurse gangster" and "this nurse no good".
Separately, Lim went to Ngee Ann City in Orchard Road on Feb 21 this year and allegedly caused annoyance by shouting in a public place despite repeated warnings from a policewoman.
Police said in a statement on Thursday that they received a report on May 15 last year about the alleged offenders' antics. Officers then started investigating.
All parties involved in the incidents went through mediation at the Community Mediation Centre last June to seek a resolution.

Despite this, the police said they continued receiving reports between last October and this January about more acts of harassment by the alleged offenders.
Investigations are still ongoing against Lim over fresh offences she allegedly committed against her neighbours that were reported last month, the police added.
Lim is being remanded at the Institute of Mental Health and will be back in court on June 4.
Cheang , whose bail was set at $5,000, will return to court on June 18.

In their statement, the police said: "Over the course of investigations, (we) have remained in contact with the parties involved and advised all parties to minimise contact and interactions with each other.
"The police do not condone any behaviour that impacts the public's sense of safety and security in the neighbourhoods. We urge members of the public to practise neighbourliness and work together to overcome Covid-19."
For each count of harassment, an offender can be jailed for up to six months and fined up to $5,000.
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